Categories: Brewery NewsPublished On: May 1, 2008


Bar Towel News Editor


Burlington’s Nickelbrook Brewery have announced the details of their newest offering:

Beginning Saturday May 03, Nickelbrook Brewery is releasing a new special edition for sale at our retail outlet.
Nickelbrook Cuvée ’07
Spiced Strong Ale
‘People’s Choice’ Winner for Specialty Beer at the 2008 Ontario Brewing Awards!!
7.75% A.B.V.
17 I.B.U. 15 Lvb.
A rich auburn reserve ale, brewed with five European malts, Caribbean demerara and a special blend of herbs and spices.
Cellared in oak for six months, naturally carbonated, and packaged unfiltered for a complex flavor profile and stability over time. Clarity is achieved through a careful brewing process and extensive aging.
Enjoy it today, or lay it down and savor the changes in character as it continues to mature.
Supplies are limited and are NOT available at L.C.B.O or Brewer’s Retail.
864 Drury Lane
Burlington, Ontario
(905) 681-2739
Mention this ad with your purchase and receive a free 12 oz. Nickelbrook glass.