Bartowel News
I am happy to announce the newest Bar Towel event, which is taking place on Tuesday, May 23rd in partnership with C’est What. This event ties to CW’s Spring Beer Festival on Friday the 26th.
The Bar Towel “Taster’s Taps” will be an exclusive advance tasting event preceeding this year’s C’est What Spring Beer Festival. At this event 10 beers which will be available at the Spring Beer Festival will be sampled. Attendees will vote on favourites and the top 5 will be specially featured as The Bar Towel “Taster’s Taps” at the festival itself. This is a really unique event as it gives Bar Towel members a chance to have a say about which beers will be specially featured at the festival.
The details:
WHEN: Tuesday, May 23rd, 7pm
WHERE: C’est What, 67 Front St. East
WHO: You and up to one guest.
HOW MUCH: $10 which includes the samples
Register here for the Taster’s Taps
Space will be limited, so I ask that you register asap. I’ll send email confirmations to everyone because there might just not be enough space depending on interest. But of course everyone is welcome to the Friday festival to see the Taster’s Taps in action.